Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God Speaking....

Hey peeps!
Long time, no blog....So, today I have something to say.

Recently I had to make a tough decision and I didn't really know what to do. So, instead of going with my personal feelings (which is what the world would tell me to do..) I went to God. I prayed about it, and I read my Bible. I know a lot of you are now thinking "Well, God doesn't speak to me..I've never heard Him".
Well, I didn't think He really would speak to me either. It was through His word...I was just praying and trying to figure out what His plan entailed and all the sudden I hear "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Tim 4:12.

This is a verse I had to memorize for school last year, but it's always been on my heart. I kinda base this blog around that verse. BoldI am young, but that doesn't mean my faith can't influence someone else. I've learned I can't be shy in my faith. If I am shy in my faith, there is no reason to have faith. Because faith without works is dead. (James 2:20)

My point after all that rambling is,
a) it is important to memorize Scripture for times like this.
b) Always turn to God..Even if it is just opening your Bible to a random spot, He'll show you SOMETHING.
c) Don't be afraid to set an example for others even though you are young or afraid. You SHOULD be afraid to stand up for God. It develops perseverance.


1 comment:

Jenna Johnson said...

Kathleen, I am so proud of you. You are wise beyond your years and a great influence on my life. I love you!